Growing Microgreens and Sprouts in Your Urban Space

If you’re a urban dweller with limited gardening space, you may be wondering how to grow your own fresh and nutritious greens. Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you just how easy and rewarding it can be to cultivate microgreens and sprouts right in the comfort of your own urban space. From choosing the right containers to knowing when and how to harvest, we’ll guide you through each step of the process, so you can enjoy bountiful and healthy greens all year round. Get ready to transform your urban oasis into a flourishing garden of flavors and nutrients!

Growing Microgreens and Sprouts in Your Urban Space

Indoor vs. Outdoor Growing

Benefits of Growing Microgreens and Sprouts Indoors

Growing microgreens and sprouts indoors offers numerous benefits for urban dwellers. Firstly, it allows you to have a continuous supply of fresh and nutritious greens throughout the year, regardless of the season. This is particularly advantageous if your outdoor space is limited or not suitable for gardening. Indoor growing also eliminates the need for excessive reliance on grocery stores, ensuring that you always have access to healthy and homegrown greens whenever you need them.

In addition, growing microgreens and sprouts indoors provides better control over environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and lighting. This control allows you to optimize growing conditions for specific varieties, resulting in higher yields and better quality greens. Indoor gardening also reduces the risk of pests and diseases that commonly affect outdoor plants, minimizing the need for pesticides or other chemical interventions.

Benefits of Growing Microgreens and Sprouts Outdoors

While indoor growing has its advantages, growing microgreens and sprouts outdoors also has its own benefits. One major advantage is the abundant availability of natural sunlight, which is crucial for the healthy growth of plants. Outdoor growing allows you to harness the full spectrum of sunlight, promoting robust growth and vibrant color in your greens.

Another benefit of outdoor growing is the free air circulation, which helps prevent the buildup of excessive moisture and reduces the risk of mold or mildew. In an outdoor setting, microgreens and sprouts can also benefit from the natural biodiversity of pollinators, which can enhance their growth and overall health. Additionally, outdoor growing provides a sense of connection with nature and can be a rewarding experience, as you witness the transformation of seeds into thriving plants under the sun and open sky.

Considering the Space Available

Before embarking on your microgreen and sprout-growing journey, it’s important to consider the space available to you. If you have a small living space or lack a balcony or patio, indoor growing might be the better option. Indoor setups can be as simple as a countertop or tabletop, where you can place your containers or trays. Even with limited space, you can still enjoy a bountiful harvest of microgreens and sprouts.

On the other hand, if you are fortunate enough to have outdoor space, whether it’s a garden, balcony, or rooftop, you have the opportunity to maximize your growing potential. Outdoor growing allows you to utilize vertical space by using hanging baskets, trellises, or shelving units, giving your plants ample room to grow and thrive.

Whichever option you choose, the key is to make the most of the available space and adapt your growing methods accordingly. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can successfully grow microgreens and sprouts in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Choosing the Right Location

When growing microgreens and sprouts, selecting the right location is crucial for their overall growth and productivity. For indoor settings, choose a spot that receives ample natural light, such as a sunny windowsill or near a skylight. If natural light is limited, you can supplement with artificial grow lights to ensure your greens receive adequate illumination.

If you are growing outdoors, consider the microclimate of your area. Determine how much sunlight exposure your selected location gets throughout the day. Some plants, like microgreens, can tolerate partial shade, while others, like sprouts, prefer full sun. It is also important to take into account wind exposure, as excessive wind can damage delicate greens. Consider using windbreaks or providing some form of protection to shield your plants.

Additionally, keep in mind any potential obstructions to sunlight or air circulation, such as nearby buildings or trees. These obstructions could cast shadows or hinder airflow, affecting the health and development of your microgreens and sprouts. By carefully choosing the right location, you can provide an optimal growing environment that will support healthy and thriving plants.

Essential Equipment and Supplies

To successfully grow microgreens and sprouts, you will need some essential equipment and supplies. Here is a list of items you will need for each growing method:

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  • Containers or trays: Choose shallow containers or trays with drainage holes to ensure proper drainage and prevent waterlogging.
  • Growing medium: Use a suitable growing medium, such as potting soil or coco coir, to provide the necessary nutrients for your microgreens.
  • Seeds: Select high-quality organic seeds of your desired microgreen varieties.
  • Light source: If growing indoors, consider using artificial grow lights, such as fluorescent or LED lights, to provide sufficient light for your microgreens.
  • Watering can: Use a watering can with a fine spout to water your microgreens gently and avoid damaging delicate sprouts.
  • Misting bottle: A misting bottle can be used to provide a light mist of water to keep the growing medium moist without overwhelming the seeds or seedlings.
  • Optional: Fan for Air Circulation: Consider using a small fan to simulate gentle air movement, which helps strengthen the stems of microgreens and promotes healthy growth.


  • Sprouting jar or tray: Use a specialized sprouting jar or tray with a mesh lid for sprouting seeds. These containers allow for proper drainage and airflow.
  • Seeds: Select sprouting seeds that are specifically labeled for sprouting, as not all seeds are suitable for sprouting due to potential contamination or germination issues.
  • Watering can: Similar to growing microgreens, a watering can with a fine spout is useful for watering sprouts without causing any damage.
  • Misting bottle: A misting bottle can also be used to rinse and mist the sprouts during the sprouting process.
  • Optional: Fan for Air Circulation: While not essential, a small fan can improve air circulation around the sprouting tray and help prevent the growth of mold or mildew.

Having the right equipment and supplies ensures that you can create an optimal growing environment for your microgreens and sprouts, setting them up for success from the start.

Growing Microgreens and Sprouts in Your Urban Space

Selecting the Right Varieties

Choosing the right varieties of microgreens and sprouts is an exciting part of the growing process. It allows you to tailor your harvest to your taste preferences and explore a wide range of flavors, textures, and colors. Here are some considerations when selecting varieties:

Popular Microgreen Varieties

  • Pea shoots: These microgreens have a sweet and fresh flavor and are known for their vibrant green color. They are rich in vitamins A, C, and K.
  • Radish: Radish microgreens add a spicy kick to dishes and are packed with antioxidants and vitamin C.
  • Sunflower: Sunflower microgreens have a mild nutty flavor and are high in protein, vitamin E, and other essential nutrients.
  • Beet greens: These microgreens offer a slightly earthy and mild flavor, and they are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, and folate.

These are just a few examples among the vast array of microgreen varieties available. Experimenting with different varieties allows you to discover your favorites and add a burst of freshness and nutrition to your meals.

Common Sprouting Seeds

  • Alfalfa: Alfalfa sprouts have a mild and nutty flavor and are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, iron, and vitamin K.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli sprouts have a slightly bitter flavor and are extremely high in sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant.
  • Lentil: Lentil sprouts have a mild and nutty taste and are a great source of plant-based protein, fiber, and iron.
  • Mung bean: Mung bean sprouts have a crisp texture and delicate flavor. They are commonly used in Asian dishes and contain high levels of vitamins C and K.

These are just a few examples of sprouting seeds that you can experiment with. Each variety offers unique flavors and nutritional benefits, allowing you to customize your sprouting experience.

Considering Taste and Texture Preferences

When selecting microgreens and sprouts, consider your personal taste preferences. Some varieties have mild flavors, while others are more robust or spicy. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect balance of flavors for your dishes.

Texture is another important factor to consider. Microgreens range from delicate and tender to slightly crunchy, while sprouts tend to be crisp and juicy. Think about the texture you prefer in your meals and choose varieties accordingly.

Exploring Nutritional Benefits

Microgreens and sprouts are often hailed as nutritional powerhouses, offering concentrated levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. When selecting varieties, consider the specific nutritional benefits they offer. For example, if you are looking to boost your vitamin C intake, consider growing broccoli sprouts or radish microgreens, as they both contain high levels of this essential nutrient. By incorporating a variety of microgreens and sprouts into your diet, you can maximize the nutritional benefits and support overall well-being.

Preparing the Growing Medium

Whether you choose to use a soil-based or soilless growing medium, proper preparation is key to creating a healthy environment for your microgreens and sprouts to thrive.

Soil-based Medium

If you opt for a soil-based medium, such as potting soil or compost, ensure that it is well-draining and fertile. Fill your containers or trays with the soil-based medium, leaving about half an inch of space below the rim. Lightly tamp down the soil to create a level surface for sowing the seeds.

Soilless Medium

A soilless medium, such as coco coir or peat-based mixes, is an alternative option for those who prefer not to work with soil. Soak the soilless medium in water to rehydrate it, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Once fully hydrated, fill your containers or trays with the soilless medium.

Sterilizing the Growing Medium

To reduce the risk of pests or diseases, it is advisable to sterilize the growing medium before sowing your seeds. This can be done by baking the soil or soilless medium in an oven at a temperature of around 180°F (82°C) for approximately 30 minutes. Sterilization helps eliminate any harmful organisms present in the medium, creating a clean and healthy environment for germination.

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Moistening the Medium

Before sowing your seeds, it is important to ensure that the growing medium is moist but not waterlogged. Use a watering can or misting bottle to gently water the medium until it is evenly moist. Take care not to oversaturate the medium, as excessive moisture can lead to rot or mold.

Proper preparation of the growing medium sets the foundation for successful germination and healthy growth of your microgreens and sprouts.

Growing Microgreens and Sprouts in Your Urban Space

Sowing Microgreens

Sowing microgreens involves a series of steps to ensure successful germination and optimal growth. Let’s take a look at each step in detail:

Pre-soaking Seeds

Before sowing your microgreen seeds, consider pre-soaking them to kickstart the germination process. Soak the seeds in clean water for a few hours or overnight, depending on the seed variety. Pre-soaking helps soften the seed coat and encourages quicker and more uniform germination.

Sprinkling vs. Broadcasting

When sowing microgreen seeds, you have two main options: sprinkling or broadcasting. Sprinkling involves evenly scattering the seeds over the surface of the growing medium. Broadcasting, on the other hand, involves spreading the seeds more densely, creating a thicker layer of greens. Choose the sowing method based on your preference and the specific variety of microgreens you are growing.

Covering the Seeds

After sowing the seeds, lightly cover them with a thin layer of growing medium. This helps protect the seeds and promotes moisture retention. Some smaller seeds, such as those of broccoli or basil microgreens, do not need to be covered, as they require light for germination. Be sure to consult the seed packaging for specific instructions regarding covering or not covering the seeds.

Maintaining Optimal Moisture

To ensure successful germination, it is essential to maintain the right level of moisture throughout the growing process. Use a misting bottle or watering can to gently moisten the growing medium without soaking it. Aim to keep the medium consistently moist but not waterlogged. Regularly check the moisture level and adjust as needed, taking into consideration factors such as humidity and temperature.

Providing Adequate Air Circulation

Good air circulation is essential for preventing the growth of mold and ensuring strong, healthy microgreens. Although microgreens are generally grown in a more confined space compared to sprouts, it is still important to provide some level of air circulation. This can be achieved by using a small fan or manually moving the air around the growing area with a gentle breeze.

By following these steps, you can successfully sow microgreen seeds and set the stage for their continued growth and development.

Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting seeds is a different process compared to growing microgreens. It involves creating the optimal conditions for seeds to germinate and sprout into edible sprouts. Here are the steps involved in the sprouting process:

Choosing a Sprouting Method

There are several sprouting methods to choose from, including jar sprouting, tray sprouting, or using specialized sprouting devices. Each method has its own benefits and considerations, so choose the one that suits your preferences and available resources.

Pre-soaking Seeds

Similar to sowing microgreens, pre-soaking sprouting seeds can speed up the germination process. Soak your seeds in clean, filtered water for the recommended time suggested on the seed packaging. This step helps soften the seed coat and initiates the sprouting process.

Rinsing and Draining Technique

Once your seeds are pre-soaked, rinse them thoroughly under running water to remove any residual water and debris. After rinsing, drain off any excess water to prevent the seeds from sitting in a pool of moisture, which can inhibit sprout development. Proper rinsing and draining ensure a clean and hygienic sprouting environment.

Using a Sprouting Tray

For tray sprouting, place a layer of moistened growing medium, such as paper towels or soilless mix, in a shallow tray. Spread the pre-soaked seeds evenly over the growing medium, keeping them at a suitable distance to prevent overcrowding. Ensure that the tray has proper drainage to avoid waterlogging.

Ensuring Sufficient Air Circulation

Sprouts require ample air circulation to prevent the growth of mold or bacteria. Place the sprouting tray in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight. Periodically check the sprouts and gently stir them to promote airflow and discourage clumping. Providing sufficient air circulation helps maintain healthy sprouts and reduces the risk of contamination.

By following these steps, you can successfully sprout seeds and enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh and nutritious sprouts.

Caring for Microgreens and Sprouts

Caring for microgreens and sprouts involves paying attention to their specific needs to ensure optimal growth and vibrant health. Here are key aspects to consider when caring for these delicate greens:


Consistent and adequate watering is crucial for the healthy development of microgreens and sprouts. Use a watering can or misting bottle to gently water the growing medium or sprouting tray. Aim to keep the medium or tray consistently moist, but avoid overwatering, as it can lead to rot or mold. Regularly monitor the moisture level and adjust your watering routine accordingly.

Light Requirements

Proper lighting is essential for the growth and vibrant coloration of microgreens. If growing indoors, place your microgreens near a sunny window or utilize artificial grow lights to provide sufficient illumination. Most microgreens require around 12-16 hours of light per day. For sprouts, exposure to indirect light is generally sufficient, as they require less light than microgreens.

Maintaining Appropriate Temperature

Microgreens and sprouts typically thrive in moderate temperatures. Aim to maintain a temperature range between 60-75°F (15-24°C) for optimal growth. If growing indoors, ensure that the temperature in your growing area is within this range. Additionally, avoid exposing your microgreens and sprouts to extreme temperature fluctuations or drafts that can stress the plants.

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Fertilizing (if necessary)

Microgreens and sprouts can usually obtain the necessary nutrients from the seeds and growing medium alone. However, if you notice pale or slow growth, you may consider supplementing with a diluted organic liquid fertilizer. Use caution when fertilizing, as excess nutrients can lead to plant burn or poor flavor.

Dealing with Common Pests and Diseases

Microgreens and sprouts are generally less susceptible to pests and diseases compared to mature plants. However, certain issues can still arise. Common pests to be on the lookout for include fungus gnats and aphids. Inspect your plants regularly and address any signs of pests promptly with organic pest control methods, such as neem oil or insecticidal soap.

Regarding diseases, practicing good hygiene, such as sterilizing your growing equipment and using clean water, can help prevent the growth of mold or harmful bacteria. If you encounter any signs of disease, such as moldy growth or foul odors, it is best to discard the affected batch and start fresh.

By carefully tending to the needs of your microgreens and sprouts, you can ensure their optimal growth and harvest tasty and nutritious greens.

Harvesting and Storing

Harvesting microgreens and sprouts at the right time ensures the best flavor and nutritional quality. Here are the key steps for harvesting and storing microgreens and sprouts:


Microgreens are typically harvested when they reach a height of 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) and have developed their true leaves. Using a sharp pair of scissors or herb snips, cut the microgreens just above the soil or growing medium. Avoid cutting too close to the soil to prevent contamination or damage to the remaining plants.


Sprouts are generally ready for harvest within 3-7 days after germination, depending on the variety. Carefully remove the sprouts from the tray or jar and rinse them under clean water to remove any seed hulls or debris. Gently pat them dry using a clean cloth or paper towel.

Harvesting Techniques

For both microgreens and sprouts, it is best to harvest just before consumption to ensure the freshest taste and maximum nutritional benefits. Cut or rinse off only the amount you need for your immediate use, as they are best enjoyed when fresh.

Storing and Preserving Freshness

If you have any leftover microgreens or sprouts, ensure proper storage to maintain their freshness. For microgreens, place them in a sealed container or resealable bag lined with a paper towel. Store in the refrigerator and use within a few days for the best flavor and texture.

Sprouts, being more delicate, are best consumed immediately after harvesting. If you need to store them, place them in a loosely covered container or zip-top bag and store in the refrigerator to help maintain their freshness. However, it is advisable to consume sprouts as soon as possible after harvest, as they tend to lose their vitality and flavor quickly.

By harvesting and storing your microgreens and sprouts correctly, you can savor their crispness and nutritional goodness.

Creative Ways to Use Microgreens and Sprouts

Microgreens and sprouts offer endless opportunities to elevate your meals with their vibrant colors, flavors, and nutritional profiles. Here are some creative ways to incorporate them into your culinary ventures:

Incorporating Microgreens into Salads, Sandwiches, and Wraps

Microgreens make an excellent addition to salads, adding a fresh and tender texture. Sprinkle a handful of microgreens on top of your favorite salad ingredients for an extra burst of flavor and nutrition. They also provide a delightful crunch when added to sandwiches or wraps, taking your lunchtime creations to a whole new level.

Using Sprouts as a Topping or Ingredient

Sprouts can be used as a topping or ingredient in a variety of dishes. Try sprinkling them on top of avocado toast or scrambled eggs for added crunch and nutritional benefits. They also make a delicious addition to tacos, sushi rolls, or even homemade pizzas. Get creative and experiment with different combinations to find your favorite ways to enjoy sprouts.

Blending Microgreens and Sprouts into Smoothies

Boost the nutritional content of your smoothies by adding a handful of microgreens or sprouts. Their mild flavors blend seamlessly with other ingredients, allowing you to enjoy the health benefits without compromising taste. Start with a small amount and gradually increase until you find the right balance for your taste preferences.

Garnishing Soups, Stews, and Stir-fries

Microgreens and sprouts can be used as a vibrant garnish for soups, stews, and stir-fries, adding an attractive visual appeal and a fresh burst of flavor. Sprinkle a handful of microgreens or sprouts on top of your favorite hot dishes just before serving to elevate their presentation and taste.

By exploring these creative ways to use microgreens and sprouts, you can infuse your meals with freshness, nutrition, and an extra touch of gourmet flair.

Tips for Success

To ensure a successful and fulfilling experience growing microgreens and sprouts, consider these helpful tips:

Start Small and Experiment

If you are new to growing microgreens and sprouts, it is wise to start with a small batch and experiment with a variety of varieties and growing methods. This allows you to learn and gain confidence in the process while discovering your preferences. As you become more experienced, you can gradually expand your growing operation.

Maintain Regular Care and Observation

Consistency is key when growing microgreens and sprouts. Establish a regular routine for watering, checking moisture levels, and observing the progress of your plants. Regular monitoring allows you to address any issues promptly and make necessary adjustments to optimize growth.

Rotate Crops for Continued Harvests

To ensure a steady supply of fresh microgreens and sprouts, consider rotating your crops. By staggering your planting times, you can enjoy a continuous harvest instead of a large quantity all at once. This helps prevent spoilage and maximizes the amount you can enjoy throughout the year.

Benefit from Succession Planting

Succession planting involves sowing new batches of seeds at regular intervals, ensuring a continuous harvest schedule. This method allows you to harvest microgreens and sprouts on a regular basis rather than waiting for an entire crop to mature. Experiment with different planting schedules to find what works best for your needs and desired frequency of harvests.

By following these tips, you can enhance your growing experience and enjoy a steady supply of fresh and nutritious microgreens and sprouts.

Growing microgreens and sprouts in your urban space is a rewarding and accessible way to add freshness, flavor, and nutrition to your meals. Whether you choose to grow them indoors or outdoors, the benefits of cultivating these miniature greens are abundant. By providing a suitable growing environment, selecting the right varieties, and following proper care techniques, you can experience the joy of growing your own vibrant and healthy greenery. So, why not start your microgreen and sprout adventure today and bring the delight of homegrown goodness into your urban oasis? Happy growing!